Automated collection and primary processing of information about the flight payload

Automated interaction between airline’s structural units, cargo agents and representative offices regarding payload.
    • Automated collection and primary processing of information about the flight payload.
    • Automated interaction between AFL’s structural units, cargo agents and representative offices regarding payload.
    • Enhanced quality of the analysis of AC servicing at the stand.
    • Collection of AC payload data from various sources.
    • Notification of the parties involved in AC payload about production operations or about getting acquainted with information.
    • Display of various data on AC payload required for making decisions regarding load adjustment in the UI.
    • Display of notifications in the UI regarding incorrect information about the flight or complete lack of such information.

Enhanced standards of situation control at the stage of AC payload.
Development and implementation of the “Unit for collection and exchange of information required for calculating AC payload and balancing in the Sabre Load Manager information system” software product.