Automated aggregation of information from the Sabre host about booking, passengers, and baggage

Collection of information from the Sabre host about booking, passengers, and baggage in the airline’s readily accessible data storage and corporate integration MQ bus.   
Collection of information from the Sabre host about booking, passengers, and baggage and subsequent provision of this information to various receiving systems.
    • Collection of information from the Sabre host according to a preset schedule at certain moments prior to flight departure: preceding and following flight legs, full name, SSR-notes, gender, date of birth, baggage, etc.
    • Provision of the collected information to the receiving systems.
Enhanced efficiency of a set of production processes owing to access to information about booking, passengers, and baggage provided to the production systems to which this information was inaccessible before. 
    • Development and implementation of the “Sabre Data Tracer” information system.
    • Development and implementation of the “Passenger data transfer to Sabre MM” software product.