Automation of routing and optimization of message traffic

Routing management and optimization of message traffic to and from the SITATEX network.

Reducing the volume of messages transmitted over SITATEX networks by eliminating their redundant duplication to Type B addresses, reducing the number of SITATEX addresses for traffic exchange within an organization, ensuring control over the use of message destination addresses and transmission channel choice (SMTP or MQ), as well as adjusting the format of messages for transmission to the SITATEX network.

    • Centralized management of routing and processing rules for SITATEX and E-mail message streams transmitted via MS Exchange to the SITATEX network.
    • Centralized storage of logs of all received and sent messages without personal data. 
    • Centralized access to message processing logs.
    • Implementation of monitoring tools for message transfer processes.
    • Correction of the message format in accordance with the criteria of TYPE B protocol (conversion to plain text, removal of attachments, checking for content of forbidden characters outside the 7-bit range).

Reduction of expenses for telegraphy transmitted over the SITATEX network (about 10-fold).

    • Enhancement of "Lufthansa Systems NetLine/HUB Control Center" IS for processing and managing traffic of production telegrams.  

    • Telegraphy management solution based on the LSY ESP module of the NetLine/Hub information system.